1. Support the Rochester area business community through valuable programs and services.

2. Improve operational excellence of Rochester area businesses

3. Maintain collaborative partner relationships which strengthen the Rochester area business community.

The La Crosse Area Conventions and Visitor’s Bureau is a not-for-profit organization helping members to make connections, grow their businesses and prosper in our community.

Members make local, national and international connections at hundreds of events designed to build business relationships and keep you informed.

The mission of the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce is to, “Advocate, Connect, and Educate to build a thriving business community.

Representing over 5,000 Members & Subscribers, the Chamber supports policies that foster a positive business climate through job creation and economic development. The Chamber also supports innovative ideas to educate, attract, and retain a quality workforce.

Together we focus on the following five core competencies:

  • Strengthen the regional economy
  • Represent business interests to the government
  • Leadership Development by investing in existing and future talent
  • Promote and build a strong community image
  • Help members succeed

Grow Clinton serves the area as a strong non-profit professional organization whose mission is to promote business growth, build community, and advocate for the sustainable economic success of the Greater Clinton Region. This vision of Grow Clinton is to promote the Clinton, Camanche and Fulton area communities as the preeminent destination to live, stay, work and play.

Our membership of nearly 600 businesses and individuals is committed to the concept that there is enormous strength in unity and great benefit to be gained in exchange of information and ideas.

We recognize that community participation is one of the key ingredients to the success that has contributed to our organization. Grow Clinton is fortunate to have a dedicated and hardworking volunteer base that continually make us successful.